Ambrose Liew Cheng Yuan

I am a Full Stack Developer that specialises in React. Do reach out to me if you are interested in my services!

Ambrose Liew


CyberOwl - Full Stack Developer

June 2023 - April 2024
ReactTypeScriptTailwind CSSRustSQLiteGolang

- Took complete responsibility and ownership in creating an a11y web table-dashboard with React, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, Headless UI, React Router DOM, TanStack Table and TanStack Query, following designs from Figma.

- Updated Rust Axum web framework (DB: SQLite), based on feature requirements.

- Contributed long polling code to sync with data in the cloud and coded numerous cron jobs.

- Coordinated with various teams to deliver a significant feature (storing, displaying, and tracking of USBs on vessels and in the cloud).

ByteDance - Frontend Engineer Intern

May 2022 - November 2022

- Utilised TypeScript, React, CSS and coordinated with various teams to fulfil product requirements.

- Contributed 7 commits, and resolved 23 issues in internal custom React Hooks library, which is used in majority of company’s projects.

- Built an interactive graph node application using React-flow-renderer, designed a graph chart using Apache Echarts and followed Figma design by UI designers to pixel perfection to recreate designs in the frontend.

Lenskart - Frontend Developer Intern

May 2021 - August 2021

- Redesigned the original website,, using React, Next.js and React Storefront to improve the performance and user experience of the website.

- Performed web application testing using to discover and correct bugs.

- Incorporated TypeScript to minimise run-time errors and Styled-Components to reduce code duplication.