Project ImageWeb3 Daily Lottery

A lottery smart contract that draws daily, on the Sepolia Testnet, automation and randomness provided by Chainlink.

Project ImageMapleWordle
Next.jsSupabaseTypeScriptTailwind CSS

A MapleStory-based Wordle fan game, has an average of hundred users daily, with a peak player count of around 2000.

Project ImageIntelliCards
React NativeOpenAISupabaseTypeScriptExpo

A flashcard app that uses AI to help generate sample sentences for your flashcards, available on the phone and web. Currently not working because Supabase project is offline and there are no OpenAI credits.

Google PlaystoreWebsiteReddit
Project ImageRecycle Go Where
Next.jsMaterial UI

Recycle Go Where is a convenient platform to find the appropriate e-waste recycling bin nearest to you. Worked in a team of 4 for LifeHack 2022 Hackathon.

Project ImagePracticalTouch
Android StudioJava

Android app that made switching between apps easier and simpler to use! Utilises MVVM architecture and Room database, and was done with my partner for CP2106.
